"Vegan Holiday Delights" cooking class is offered *FREE* at the Country Life Vegetarian Restaurant.
Please join instructor Peggy Schauffler as she teaches you how to make vegan festive foods just in time for holidays.
PREREGISTRATION is required so that we may estimate the space and food needed for each class. Call 357-3975 and leave your name and which class or classes you wish to attend. Voicemail is checked daily. Space is limited. ************************************************************************ *The cost of these classes is FREE* because it is a sponsored event. Normally the charge for these classes is $25 per person so preregister (357-3975) and don't miss out of this wonderful opportunity.
Upcoming Free Class: "Vegan Indian Cuisine" Instructor — Martin Raj Sunday January 13, 2019 from 5 to 6:30 PM.