ARTICLE About Essential Oils

by Peggy Schauffler, May 15, 2020

Since there is no government regulation on the word therapeutic it is used very loosely in the world of essential oil. For this reason you need to understand the process. Essential oil needs to be extracted under a certain pressure, for a certain amount of time with a certain heat application. Each oil is different so I could not possibly go into detail in this paper. What you need to ask: ‘Is the company I am buying from understand this process?’ Most company’s buy on the open market and do not know what they are buying other than they are essential oils. Some company’s process with high heat others with chemicals. Essential oil needs to always be organic as well and many come from sprayed fields. Many times when buying an essential oil you are buying a carrier oil with a few drops of essential oil. You can do a paper towel test. Put a drop of your essential oil on the paper towel. If a spot of oil is left you have a carrier oil with a few drops of essential oil. True essential oils will not leave an oil spot.

Essential oils were given throughout the Bible as God’s healing for humanity. As you can see, the frequencies of essential oil go as high as 320 MHz. Their frequencies are extremely conducive to the human body.


I can tell you many stories about the miracles of essential oils but the one I have chosen for this article is about my granddaughter. 

The story I have chosen is about the flu since that is what we are fighting presently. My granddaughter, age six, had a series of sickness. She came down with the flu, which turned into pneumonia. She was given a round of antibiotics for the flu and one for the pneumonia and then she came down with inflammation of bronchitis, which she was promptly given another round of antibiotics but her fever persisted after the third round of antibiotics. My son called me with a lot of anxiety at having to give her so many antibiotics. Peter, my husband had come down with the flu three days earlier. I had given him charcoal and rubbed his chest and back with Frankincense and Raven and his feet with thieves. When my son called, my husband was completely over the flu, so I overnighted him the oils that I had used. I also sent him a diffuser. I instructed my son to let her choose and to rub her feet with one, her chest with one and put one in the diffuser. He used it the night he got it and next morning she had no fever so she went to school. They had enough essential oils for two weeks. When they ran out she was okay for about a week and began to run a fever again. He called again and shared with me what was going on. I, of course, said he needed to get more essential oils. His reply was that he was not going to spend his hard earned money on something questionable as essential oils. I was on my way to visit my father who lived down the road from my son so I took some more oils. When they came that evening for a visit his daughter did not come because she did not feel good. I gave him the oils. He went home and used them that evening and next morning the fever was gone. Again they used them for about two weeks and again when they ran out the fever came back.

I think it is important to say at this point anytime a person takes an antibiotic it destroys your gut flora and your natural immunity. It takes your body many weeks and months for the body to restore the balance. In my case it was twenty years before I knew what my problem was after taking antibiotics. Now I am not against antibiotics. If they had discovered antibiotics in my great grandmothers days she would not have died at twenty-seven. I think antibiotics are a miracle cure when needed but when they suppress the natural immune system by over use we have a problem.

When they ran out of essential oils the second time and the fever came back my son called and said “Tell me how to order those oils”. They continued to use the oils for several months along with sauerkraut for probiotic and she has healed very nicely.


Essential oils are amazing when they are truly “therapeutic” and no home should be without them in my opinion.

NIH National Institute on Aging, Feb 23, 2018. Featured Research “Leafy greens linked with slower age related cognitive decline”.

Reference Guide to Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley, pg 8 and 9, 2014 edition.

Revelation 22:2 “……….the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations….”


Essential oils were given throughout the Bible as God’s healing for humanity.