ARTICLE: Will the Real Pandemic Please stand up!

by Peggy Schauffler, June 12, 2020

In July 2019 my son and his family all had a virus. My son was so sick he went to the doctor. He had a terrible headache, was vomiting and dizzy. He could not catch his breath and had a bad cough. Over three weeks he lost 17 pounds. The doctor reported it was a virus, said it was a “mystery virus.” My son ended up with bacterial bronchitis. 

His wife had the same symptoms. At the time, we were all on vacation together so I treated her with charcoal, hydrotherapy, and vitamin C. She responded well with less time sick and a much milder case than my son had. 

Three weeks earlier her father had the same virus and ended up with bacterial pneumonia. 

In January 2020 I had some friends who came down with the same symptoms. They said they had never had such a bad virus, they just could not get over it. They called me to see if I had any suggestions. I told them how to use the same treatment I had used on my daughter-in-law and in a few days, they were back on their feet after weeks of being sick.

In March 2020 I had the LP gas men from Cheshire County at my place working on my gas stove. They reported all the gas guys and plumbers had the same virus earlier in December. Many ending up with bacterial secondary problems. Their local doctors told them it was a virus but was an “unknown virus”. 

March 2020 the world is notified of a strange virus named COVID-19 supposedly from China and the whole world is forced to shut down. I think this is strange since we already had the mystery virus with the exact same symptoms of COVID-19 for six months. Never has there been so much confusion. It is a well know advertising practice in the food industry to try and confuse people when trying to sell products that might not be the most nutritious. In the food industry they want it to first be cheap, second be convenient, and third, be hard to discern the truth (i.e., confusion). If people cannot locate the truth easily they give up and will use the product because it tastes good, is convenient, and is cheap. For example: GMO apples. They do not try to sell them whole because most people are watching for GMO’s these day and they carry a label that marks them GMO. Instead they slice them and package them so people will see the convenience of not having to slice and wrap it themselves and they never turn brown.

Here at Country Life, we have always tried to keep the highest standard for promoting our customers’ health. However there are many avenues to heath. You have your physical health, your mental health, and your spiritual health. 

In these last few weeks, most of us have been safe physically, but our mental and spiritual health has suffered. For that reason, Country Life would like to address these two aspects of health. To do this we feel people need to understand areas that promote nourishment in these two areas of our lives.

So we will offer a FREE seminar (held in the evenings over 3 nights) to help people understand where we are historically in the Bible.

From June 29 - July 1 (6:30 pm to 8 pm) at Country Life, we will present a Revelation Seminar by Artem Dmytriyev (in person) to help people understand what COVID19 and Revelation have to do with one another and how you can follow what is happening in the world with the Bible. Understanding this I believe will bring a great sense of peace and understanding. By following social-distancing only 20 people can attend this event held at our restaurant. We will also have it videotaped for anyone who cannot make it or for those we cannot accommodate because of limit on people attending. A free Bible will be available for anyone who wants one.

Please call 603-357-3975 to sign up for the FREE 3-evening seminar so we know how many will attend.

Here are two recipes to help with coughing.

Recipe for cough syrup:

  • 1 large organic onion, sliced thin

  • 4 large organic garlic cloves, sliced thin

  • 2 Tablespoon organic ginger, sliced thin

  • 2 mint leaves, chopped (optional)

  • ½ cup of organic honey

Slice all ingredients and layer in a glass jar that has a lid. Jars from china may have lead in them so an American made canning jar is best. Break sliced onions apart and place a loose layer of about 1” depth in the bottom of your jar. Next add 3 or 4 sliced pieces of garlic, 3 or 4 slices of ginger, and a pinch of mint. Drizzle a heaping tablespoon of honey over layered ingredients in jar. Repeat until all ingredients have been used. Shake up and place in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning you can begin using. Pour syrup off and use as needed. Some people like to eat the solids, i.e. onion, garlic, ginger and mint as well. The liquid will store for many weeks in the refrigerator. Children love it and it works very well.

Health tip to reduce or eliminate night coughs:

Slice another onion and place in a poultice. Tape to the bottom of your feet before bedtime and place a sock over the poultice. Walk to bed to juice the onions. About 95% of the time this will eradicate night coughs and onions are very healing and medical.


“I told them how to use the same treatment I had used on my daughter-in-law and in a few days, they were back on their feet after weeks of being sick.”


“If people cannot locate the truth easily they give up and will use the product because it tastes good, is convenient, and is cheap.”


“Children love it and it works very well.”